At LendingWise we strive to make our platform easy to setup & use. Since the private lending & commercial lending industry is not standardized, every user can setup their platform in unique ways. We offer many configurable options to provide ultimate flexibility within the platform, which is why we delivery the best onboarding & implememation services possible. Depending on your plan, the process entails 5-10 sessions covering specific features, modules & situational walk throughs. *Starter plans only come with 1-2 sessions and access to the weekly community training.
Here is a an example of a typical implementation timeline:

Master Onboarding Template - This template helps to explain the main platform settings, user types & configurable features with our system's default values. After completing it, circulating it within your team, our implememation team will update your platform accordingly. (assuming you have a plan that includes full implementation support)
Interactive Tour: Overview- Enjoy this guided tour of a live LendingWise platform & main features.
Interactive Tour: Onboarding, Setup & Configuration- Watch this tour of the entire system & detailed setup each module.
Webform with all fields enabled. This allows you to visualize all the sections, fields and field formats. You can also refer to Form Fields tab in the Master Onboarding Template- Form Fields *Sections are grouped, so you have to click the + icon to open each section.
On Demand Training & Implementation
We offer additional training or configuration assistance outside the initial onboarding period. We will schedule sessions accordingly in 1 hour sessions or 5 hour blocks for an additional fee. Ask us about a premium VIP support plan that comes with real time (2 hour SLA) phone support.
Watch the video on Setting up a LendingWise account....
Updated about 2 years ago