Webforms & Logins

Platform settings--> Webforms & Logins

The Webforms & Logins page has url links for all the user logins.
Links can be sent directly to people. If you want to embed the logins and/or white label the URLs under app.yourdomain.com you must have an activated white label plan. Contact [email protected] to get that setup.

Branch Registration- This URL can be used as an application for a new branches to register. Set a welcome email that includes their webform links, logins, getting started information, etc... You will need to visit the email wizard template area, review/copy over the New Branch Welcome E-mail... then it will display in the drop down for use.

Quick & Full Loan Application and Broker Registration Webforms

The webforms for the quick & full loan application are located under each branch profile. Once inside the branch profile, you will have a ew tabs that provide options that affect how your quick & full loan application webform works. For example:

Branch Info Tab--> Branch Configuration Section:

  • New Lead/Deal Handling- Enter multiple email addresses that you want to be notified of any new deals created or submitted via the quick/full app.
  • Enable Captcha- This will force users on the quick/full app webform to verify they are human and not a spam bot.
  • Loan Programs- Each branch can have their own loan programs enabled

Webform Integration Tab- Quick & Full Loan App Sections

  • You will find the HTML embed code for the various types of webforms like a single page vs multi-step form.
  • Welcome email- Auto-send an email template to borrower & broker/loan officer
  • Thank you page- Use our built in customizable thank you page or redirect users to your own thank you page URL.
  • Default Loan File Status- After a quick or full app is submitted, set the status for the loan file
  • Terms & Conditions- The webworm displays a terms & conditions box, that you can ediot and include any type of disclosure language
  • Google Tracking/CSS code- You can insert tracking code or alter the forms CSS styles here, which changes the color of the webform styles or removes logo, etc...

Required Docs
This lets you control what required docs will display for the borrower or broker respective to the quick or full app. Some originators like to ask for some supporting docs during the quick app, while others look at scenarios only. We encourage asking for docs, as it looks professional on your part & show the level of intent from the borrower side.


Interactive Tour

Check out this walk through to show you how it works and configure the settings: Webform Setup & Settings