Getting Started

Getting an Account

You must be a Lendingwise client to fully use the API. Sign up here to create an account. Afterward, contact to request API access to your data. For technical help or to request additional fields in the API please email us at

Coming soon: We will support creating & updating loan records via this API.

Configuring Your Client

The first step is to put your Client ID, Client Secret and the API URL in a configuration file for your code. These are the only three pieces of information you need to access the API. You can use "test" for the Client ID and the Client Secret to get a Bearer Token you can use to test the API and get back sample data structures.

$res = Curl::Post(API_HOST . '/api/v3/authenticate', [ 'client_id' => 'test', 'client_secret' => 'test', 'expire' => 300, ]);

Request a List of Your Loan Files

The second step is to get a list of your loan files so you see what the internal id is and get the complete details.

$res = Curl::Get(API_HOST . '/api/v3/files', [ 'offset' => 0, 'activeFile' => 1, ], [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token, ]);

See the Loan Files endpoint documentation for a complete list of fields you can search by.

Request the Complete Loan File Data

Finally, you can use the FileIDs from the Loan Files endpoint to access the available fields within the file data structure.

$res = Curl::Get(API_HOST . '/api/v3/file', [ 'FileID' => 1, ], [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token, ]);